looks from the 90s

November 1, 2017

Radios played Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, Lilith Fair and Mariah Carey. It was the ’90s, and everyone was all about Oprah, Doc Martens and flannel shirts. Cellphones were a new thing, and email was just starting. And there was makeup to be worn. If you’re looking back to the ’90s, consider these five looks that are Chic Studios approved! In our Professional Makeup Artistry course, we cover the history of makeup and how it has changed throughout the years. For more information on our courses, check them all out here.

1. Grunge

90s grunge makeup

Dark liner, pale red eyeshadow and matte lipstick are required to bring back heroin chic. After applying foundation, line eyes with a soft black pencil and apply a light red shadow to lids, using darker red or brown to create depth. Avoid eyeshadows with an abundance of glitter of shimmer — ’90s grunge was more matte, giving off a sense of angst, unease, and a sleepless night of live music and post-performance partying. Dark red, burgundy, blue-gray or russet lipstick is a hallmark of grunge lips. Finish the face with a light application of mascara. Darken brows, brushing them upward or leaving them as is. This look is anything but precise and polished.

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